Friday, October 26, 2007

Because that's what I do.

Dear readers, USC has outed me as an "emerging talent". Consequently, this thursday, November 1st, I will be part of a panel discussion called Redefining Animation, which is part of the Animation: From Avant-Garde to Popular Culture symposium happening in Los Angeles and San Diego.

I will be showing clips from my runaway blockbuster absurdist noir mashup Crimenals , and talking about how and why I made the film.

There will be some bona-fide animation lumenaries on the panel as well, and it's free! So if you're handy to Los Angeles, come on by.


Innisanimate said...

Congratulation on your "emergence". Hope it went well. Is there any video footage of the event?

greg said...

Thanks. Yes, the whole thing went well, even my part. It was being taped, but I think just for the school's archives. Then again, you never know what'll end up on the YouTubes.