Friday, August 01, 2008

Dripping With Pathos

Vocal chameleon Eric Bauza put his golden pipes through their paces today as we recorded the voiceover for the film. It went very well. Not only is he a true pro, nailing multiple takes, but he's dang funny to boot. I had to stifle outbursts of laughter while he was performing. I really hope the recording didn't pick any of it up, but if you hear any muffled guttural noises in the film, that would be yours truly trying not to yuk it up on a hot mic. We recorded in the studio behind his house, which is essentially a giant solar oven with a really nice microphone setup. And man, was it HOT! But Eric graciously went above and beyond what I asked of him, and I think the film is going to be much better for it. Thanks, Eric.

1 comment:

Marc Deckter said...

Eric should put "vocal chameleon" on his business card. Can't wait to hear the soundtrack...