My Cartoonstitute™ storyboard pitch was today.
I stood before a Crush or Clobber or whatever the collective term for Development Executive is and pitched my short, The Sloppy Seconds, without once having to summon my mastery of jazz hands. I got a lot of laughs, which seemed to coincide with the jokes and gags in the board and not from my haircut or anything, so that was good.
The verdict? I got a solid Non-No, which means I haven't been cleared to go straight into production yet, but I also haven't been shut down. I've also apparently broken a short streak of flat-out "No's", so I'll take that as a positive.
Thanks to everyone who crossed their fingers for me and a special shout-out goes to the guy who sacrificed the chicken. I do appreciate it.
You are on your way!
How many of these pitches have you done? I am not liking the catchers.
And furthermore..."Sloppy Seconds?" You have brass ones, my friend.
This was the first pitch to get optioned, and to go as far as the storyboard stage.
I had a backup title ready - just in case - but "Sloppy Seconds" was, erm, recieved warmly.
"The Cartoonstitute will create an unprecedented swift development track
for animated pilots"
dude, a "maybe" is not the swift track to anything. best of luck, but don't hold your breath.
Hi Mom! Love you, too!
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